The annual Heroes of Hollywood luncheon recognizes outstanding individuals, businesses, and non-profit organization that have made extraordinary contributions to the Hollywood community. The Heroes of Hollywood Awards recognize exceptional leaders in the Hollywood community who have transformed the lives of others and/or have made a remarkable contribution to the physical environment. Since 1993 the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Community Foundation has saluted more than 125 extraordinary leaders from Hollywood, through what was previously named the Women of Distinction Awards.
Since 2011, the awards have honored both male and female leaders, as well as families, businesses and organizations. The awards ceremony is a fundraiser for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Community Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving the lives of Hollywood community members. All funds raised from this luncheon will be awarded in the form of grants to local charitable organizations. “Heroes of Hollywood” Awards Committee is comprised of members of the Hollywood Chamber who are volunteers and have proven to be community leaders themselves.